Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

(April 10, 2013) Active Learning Reflection

                             Active Learning Reflection

            My experience in Gym class is somewhat the same as before, with very few differences. Unlike last time, I keep on going whenever I'm very tired or whenever I'm huffing and puffing. As I've said in my previous post, I've been working on my stamina and cardio, and when I'm running, I last twice as much than before. I also use gym equipment in my house, however, I could not provide a digital evidence to prove that I did. Due to this, I think that I deserve a B for my Report Card. I'll try to provide a digital evidence for the next Active Learning Reflection post.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ratatouille Review

Ratatouille Review
by Krian Raphael Arias
Oui, j’aime le film, parce que le film est intéressant et excitantes. Mon personnage favori est le personnage principal/ rat principal. Mon personnage favori est Remy. Remy est heureux, et il aime faire la cuisine. Mon personnage favori est Remy, parce qu’il est aventureux. J’ai classification votre 4/5 étoiles, parce que le film est satisfaisant.
