Thursday, January 24, 2013

Krian Arias PE Mid-Term Reflection

                 Active Learning Mid-Term Reflection

          During PE this year, I have shown that I am prepared and willing to participate in the activities by always being on time, and by bringing my gym clothes (Only forgot it once). I always participate in my best effort when doing activities because I want to be physically fit, and improve my stamina. I have struggled a lot on the "Community Runs" because I don't have much stamina, and I often run out of breath.

          I contribute by not giving a "negative vibe". For example, I  always stay positive, and not give up, even if the task is difficult. I also stay positive because it gives me a "boost" and it also encourages my classmates to try their best. I often interact with my classmates by starting small conversations with them.

          During "Fitness Days", I push myself to my limit, and try to go beyond that. The Fitness activity that I enjoy the most is the "Pond Run". It's simple, and yet the effort needed to complete 20 minutes of Pond Run is a lot. My personal Fitness goal would be to go through "Insanity" without getting a single drink of water.

          In my opinion, leadership is a skill anyone can attain, but a few desires. Some people don't have the proper social requirements  such as, being extroverted, or socially active. I think that the best leaders in our class are the TA's, Tyler and Umesh. Without them, I wouldn't have half the encouragement that I need to participate  with my best effort.

          In my opinion, I think that PE is already perfect (for someone  with my physical build) and I think that I'm proud of trying my very best in Active Learning.

          I think that I deserve a B. I put my best effort, but I feel that I should improve more.


  1. Great post Krian. I am glad to hear you are working towards an improved cardiovascular fitness level. I see you effort in sports and games and I look forward to watching you crush an Insanity without leaving. I do not think a leader needs to be an extrovert. I encourage you to do some thinking and reading about what makes a leader. :) Great job.. keep it up.

  2. To make your post better try to give examples of how your participate willingly or what type of activities you enjoy.
